Rabu, 05 Desember 2018



The first currency in the game industry

About WUGT

Worldwide Unified Gaming Token – the project which will unite millions of people under one currency. WUGT (currency) will be used for purchases in computer and mobile online games, game platforms, in holding e-sports tournaments and near game services.
The purpose of WUGT is the coverage of the global market game spaces and creation of a full ecosystem which will bring benefit to all its users and interested parties. We are glad to invite all to become a part of future world currency.
The results of research in the last few years, games are one that is rapidly developing and rapidly widespread in the world. And many pro player games have sprung up, and many new games have been released such as PUBG, Call Of Duty black ops, Crackdown 3 and many more
WUGT is very supportive for online games, E-sport Tournaments, Game Shop, cellular and stores with game attributes. WUGT is one of the sponsors and organizers of the E-sport FPS and RPG Tournaments such as Dota2 and League of Legends. The two geme is a game that takes the top position on the E-sport Tournament that is much in demand. As we know now the gaming world income far exceeds the income from the world of film
I am very happy with the existence of WUGT because I myself am a gamer, I am very happy to play online games, with WUGT it means I will more easily buy creat / items for my game characters and of course it will be safer to use WUGT compared to using cards credit because if I use credit cards for online games it will be very risky for my credit card number to be stolen by hackers. And by using WUGT I will get a Cashback / discount when buying items / creat. With WUGT I am more comfortable when transacting online. WUGT is a payment instrument in the donation system. Token completely replaces fiat. Our project supports a bonus system when using WUGT.
With the WUGT token automatically, it will make it easier for gamers to buy items / creat. The sale of WUGT tokens will start from 16 November 2018 to 16 December 2018. WUGT will sell tokens with a total of 504 000 000 WUGT (72%) from Tokens owned by WUGT. The price itself is quite cheap, namely 5000WUGT / 1ETH. Minimum purchase is 0.1 ETH and will get a bonus of 20% -50% for each purchase.


Wordwide Unified Gaming Token Specializes in 5 Branches:
  • Online Games
  • E-sport Tournaments
  • Game shopes
  • Mobile Games
  • Shops with game attributes



There are several reasons to buy WUGT tokens, namely:
  • WUGT is the first cryptocurrency to support payment in-game
  • The bonus given by WUGT is very exciting
  • Convenience in purchasing tokens because WUGT does not require you to carry out KYC regimes
The price of WUGT tokens will be predicted to quickly rise to $ 1 / token, imagine if you are currently investing 1ETH (5000 WUGT) of course it will give you multiple profits.
If you intend to buy / invest in WUGT you have to do this:


72% Selling Tokens
18% Reserve
7% Team
2% Bounty
1% Airdrop


20% Platform Development
30% Marketing
35% Partnership
7% Legal Expenses
5% Administrative and Technical Cost
3% Other Expenses
Website: http://wugt.pw/

Yours sincerely
Good luck on the target
Thank you
ETH Address: 0x29AF24D027E5A0A74427A2A4D5dDFe09803D5F93

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