Selasa, 15 Mei 2018



💚Funding AIDS cure research

About Innovative Bioresearch
Innovative Bioresearch is a privately held biotech company based in Italy. Owned and founded by research scientist Jonathan Fior with the goal of bringing innovation to the field, with a focus on HIV, cancer and regeneration research. We are launching a Token Sale for supporting our AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Sindrome associated with HIV infection) cure research, as well as to develop an application providing a on one hand a decentralized database for clinical data generated by our future human trials, to overcome the limitations of the current ancient centralized databases, and on the other hand a social platform for the HIV seropositive community and our future services. Let’s start by focusing on the first goal of this Token Sale, which is to support our AIDS cure research, with an overview of the current state of SupT1 cell infusion therapy, the novel cell-based therapy for HIV conceived by Jonathan Fior, owner and chief scientific officer of Innovative Bioresearch.
How Does Innovative Bioresearch Work? 
For research projects, Jonathan Fior works as PI (principal investigator), conceiving the experiments and writing the experiment protocol. The work is then commissioned to a Contract Research Organization (CRO), which physically performs the experiments. Jonathan Fior then supervises all aspects related to the research communicating closely with the CRO. Once the experiments are completed, he analyzes the results and writes a scientific paper, which is published in a peer reviewed scientific journal. This means that although our team is not a large team, we actually have companies with 100+ people working for us. This way we can keep a small, yet strong and great, team. We only publish on open access scientific journals as we believe in free information and don’t want our data being hidden behind a paywall.
Innovative Bioresearch ICO Detail
ICOs are a very valuable tool for our society, but you have to carefully check that the project is legit before investing. We can tell you this about our project. We are a biotech company performing novel biomedical research, and scientific research is something serious. One of the things that sets our ICO apart from the other ICO offerings is that it is based on our AIDS cure research. Behind our project there are therefore many years of hard work and investments to perform and publish our research. Investors with us know that they are investing into something real and concrete, and not in one of those bubble soap projects that disappear the day after the ICO because they are not solving any real issue and are just a collection of fancy presentations. With us, investors can easily verify that our project is something real and legit by checking the publications on the NIH database pubmed.
Token Name: INNBC
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
– We have a hard cap of 50million INNBC. A 20million cap for the pre-sale, and a 30million cap for the sale.
– We will use the addditional funds to perform further clinical research (phase 4 trials) and we will also create a fund to provide our HIV treatment free of charge for patients who can’t affoard it.
– We will organize a pre-ICO first. We will offer a 20% discount in the pre-sale (498INNBC per 1ETH), and a 10% discount in the succesive sale (456INNBC per 1ETH). Regular emission price was set as 1EUR (1,23USD) per 1INNBC, corresponding to 415INNBC per 1ETH, with respect to the ETH/EUR exchange rate on the day of smart contract creation (16 April 2018).
Conclusions and Future Directions
Salamanders are a valuable animal model to study phenomena such as cancer and regeneration. The ability of salamanders to regenerate tissue provides a model for regenerative medicine. The ability of salamanders to reverse tumorigenicity can help us understand how to manipulate the biological conditions that cause and maintain cancer. Considering that signaling pathways involved in regeneration may be highly conserved among all vertebrates, an interesting question is whether salamander blastema tissue could induce regeneration and tumor regression in animals with limited generation ability. However, considering mammals as potential hosts, there are a number of possible limitations. A first issue is that host body temperature will probably dictate whether salamander blastema cells can successfully grow in the host. However, it may be possible to engineer blastema cells to grow at different temperatures, while initial studies could be conducted using ectothermic animals such as frogs as hosts. A second issue is the host immune system reaction against the transplanted tissue. However, this problem may be addressed by using immunosuppressive agents. Another vital question is whether host tissues can support the regeneration process of a salamander blastema. Interestingly, blastema autografting and homografting experiments show that, once developed, a blastema can act as an autonomous, self-organizing structure; thus, a xenotransplanted blastema may successfully grow, provided that it can rely on the host tissues for nutrients. Furthermore, addition of the nAG protein may facilitate the process. However, using an already developed blastema poses the additional problem of whether the regenerated limb will be a salamander limb, a normal limb, or a chimeric limb. This is a crucial aspect because the host immune system may reject the new limb. In this regard, an alternative could be to induce blastema formation directly in the host. Considering their essential role in blastema formation, salamander fibroblasts may be able to initiate blastema formation at the site of the host tissue wound, resulting in a blastema composed mainly of undifferentiated host cells. Furthermore, bone marrow-derived cells could act as a source of fibroblasts for wounds and tumors. Therefore, it may also be worthwhile to investigate xenotransplantation of engineered salamander bone marrow stem cells as a therapeutic strategy for inducing a salamander-like regenerative and anticancer response.
For more information, please visit the link below:
Whitepaper :
Author: Wong linglong3
ETH Address: 0x29AF24D027E5A0A74427A2A4D5dDFe09803D5F93

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