Welcome to TheChampionsDefi - The First Automatic Liquidity Acquisition Yield Farm & AMM associating the champions League and DeFi on Binance Smart Chain and Polygon.

The ChampionsDefi is the chief customized liquidity acquisition yield farm and AMM decentralized exchange running accomplice Football and Cyrpto on Binance Smart Chain and Polygon with heaps of uncommon and creative components that let you procure and win. We are a decentralized exchange stage for exchanging BEP-20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain association and Polygon. We are fast, secure and anyone can exchange and obtain tokens.
Yield farming, in any case called yield or liquidity procuring, incorporates advancing computerized cash. Thus, you get revenue and a portion of the time charges, but they’re less basic than the demonstration of upgrading revenue with gifts of units of another cryptographic cash. The certified outcome comes if that coin appreciates rapidly.

- AMM: TheChampionsDefi is an Automated market makers (AMMs) allowing progressed assets for be traded and normally by using liquidity pools as opposed to a regular market of buyers and vendors. On a customary exchange stage, buyers and dealers offer up different expenses for an asset.
- Automatic Liquidity: Each move of CHAMPIONS should pay a 5% trade charge. The 5% trade charge gets added to the liquidity pool through the understanding normally to raise the worth floor industriously. Likewise, the liquidity will be locked and far off.
- Deposit Fee Redistribution: A 3,9% store cost will be charged when customers enter checking, yet unlike other yield farms, we don’t plan to use the store cost to repurchase and devour. Taking everything into account, we will redistribute to holders to help holding and we will use it for ChampionSafu and Marketing.
- No Migrator Code: The migrator code in the MasterChef contract has been taken out.
- Timelock: Timelock will be added at dispatch.
What Is Champions Launchpool?
Champions Launchpool grants a customer to stake CHAMPIONS tokens to secure identification of various endeavors for Free. The proportion of tokens got depends upon the proportion of tokens a customer has favored the pool and the total amount of CHAMPIONS tokens set apart in the pool. A customer can acquire the new token all through a set time period, regularly around 7 days (subject to discussion). The tokens a customer not really settled at normal spans, and a customer can gather the impending honors at whatever point.

Estates animate customers to offer liquidity to your trading pair by scattering CHAMPIONS tokens to your pair’s LP token holders. Launchpool is a phase where an endeavor owner can course tokens to BSC customers who stake CHAMPIONS tokens in the pool. Exactly when an endeavor applies for Launchpool we can moreover make another developing pair (subject to discussion).
How to have my token recorded on the exchange?
In a general sense, anyone can list any BEP-20 token on Champions. There is no convincing motivation to contact our gathering or solicitation approval. That you should simply to add liquidity to the liquidity pool. Once added, customers can trade your token by entering your representative’s arrangement address. We don’t recognize sales to add tokens to the upheld once-over. All together for your token to be added to the default show, you ought to apply for the Launchpool.

- Ticker Symbol : CHAMPIONS
- Chain : Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)
- Max Supply : NA
- Start of Supply : from 1 000 CHAMPIONS tokens (administered for sensible dispatch and devour)
- Contract Address : 0x58eB0f12e2E59dd4D2dD2447691a5441007ab694
- Ticker Symbol : CHAMPIONS
- Chain : Polygon
- Max Supply : NA
- Start of Supply : from 150 000 CHAMPIONS tokens (administered for sensible dispatch)
- Contract Address : 0xf9d75aeee0bdf9b052884491c9000da524b16ed
Champions Exchange is a automated market maker (AMM) that allows a customer to exchange two tokens on the Binance Smart Chain association. The liquidity provided for the exchange comes from Liquidity Providers (LPs) who stake their tokens in Liquidity Pools. Consequently, a customer gets LP tokens that can similarly be set apart to obtain CHAMPIONS tokens in the Farms.
TheChampionsDefi Exchange stage quiets new and a couple of tokens don’t have liquidity in our exchange. You can exchange another Exchange and Add Liquidity in our establishment.
Right when you add liquidity to the pool, you will get LP tokens. Right when someone makes an emblematic exchange, a trade cost of 0.19% will be charged. The liquidity pool will moreover allow you to stake your LP tokens to secure CHAMPIONS tokens in the Properties. Hereafter, beside getting pay from token exchange trades, a customer will really need to stake LP tokens and procure CHAMPIONS tokens.
Generously note that while adding liquidity you ought to have satisfactory proportion of each token. Assume you need to add the going with liquidity: 1 BNB/108 BUSD. If you have under 108 BUSD or under 1 BNB, you can not proceed. You need to have sufficient proportion of each token.
CHAMPIONSAFU is an emergency insurance save for all of our customers. Starting from the beginning 1% of all excellent tokens will be alloted to a specific wallet to guarantee all of our customers and their resources if there ought to be an event of an emergency. All of the resources will be taken care of in an alternate wallet.
14/09/2021 : FairLaunch on both Network
14/09/2021 : Farm Launch will be done with 32 + 2 Pools and 16 + 2 Farms (Check Champions League fixture and Pools menu to see which token is associated to which team)
14/09/2021 : ONE LaunchPool, you can stake CHAMPIONS to earn Harmony ONE token.
17/09/2021 : NFT Launch, you can buy Big Players NFT's.
25/09/2021 : NFT MarketPlace, you can buy/sell your NFT linked with Football only.
15/11/2021 : Prediction Game. You will be able to bet on ChampionsLeague game and win Prizes. (Might be earlier ;) )
Each Matchday Farm List will change.


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Forum Username: Wong linglong3
Forum Profile Link:;u=1229230
Telegram Username: @Wonglinglong46
BEP20 Wallet Address: 0x38064F1795F260930C0459Bf0151aDa02aDbFa45
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