Serenity – energy on the GO!
Energy Retailer on Blockchain Project

With a focus on the renewable energy sector, combined with the power of the blockchain this project aims to revolutionize the energy generation, monetization of carbon credits, developing Net-Zero estates and expand globally by affiliate licensing.
Serenity is a next-gen renewable energy retailer on blockchain which is looking to reduce energy bills, put control back on users’ hands and reduce carbon emission through multifaceted blockchain ecosystem.
Humanity is on a collision course; we will perish unless embrace different approach. We must neutralize damages caused by our negligent economy and balance our consumption with sustainable natural regeneration life cycle. It is a moral and existential imperative! However, achieving this is challenging. At present we have inadequate tools to measure and compensate the impacts on nature; until now.
A significant part of produced renewables is being lost because the power sector today is unable to optimally address structural transition towards renewables and decentralization. The electricity operators struggling to balance electricity production and consumers demand and the marketplace lacks transparency and incentives for reduction of energy consumption. Cost of insufficiency bears the end user paying higher energy prices.
Consumers are showing a greater desire to have more control over how the energy is consumed, generated and distributed. There is a direct correlation between energy and building industry in respect to energy consumption and its loss.
Unfortunately, there is still a lack of common understanding of the benefits of building by passive standards.
Serenity is bringing blockchain to the energy sector with the potential to transform how people engage with these utilities by bringing control and transparency back to the end users and offering solutions for people who have been neglected by traditional systems.
Serenity Platform will be connected to the National Electricity Operators, providing the necessary balance between electricity production and consumers demand, responding at substation level when it is needed, making possible structural transition towards renewables and decentralization.
Energy produced locally will be traded and consumed locally, with minimal impact to the rest of existing electrical grid, avoiding high-voltage or low-voltage damaging situations and lowering the transmission loss which occurs over longer distances
Serenity is bringing blockchain to the energy sector with the potential to transform how people engage with these utilities by bringing control and transparency back to the end users and offering solutions for people who have been neglected by traditional systems.
Serenity Platform will be connected to the National Electricity Operators, providing the necessary balance between electricity production and consumers demand, responding at substation level when it is needed, making possible structural transition towards renewables and decentralization. Energy produced locally will be traded and consumed locally, with minimal impact to the rest of existing electrical grid, avoiding high-voltage or low-voltage damaging situations and lowering the transmission loss which occurs over longer distances.
Serenity members consumers will benefit through lower price of electricity and getting a better deal for produced and exported energy. Blockchain technology and Smart Contract utilization will minimize administrative costs.
Production of renewable energy will be rewarded by Carbon Credits.
The distributed ledger architecture will provide secure and immutable proof of tokenized asset ownership and facilitate a variety of energy market transactions implemented through the set of smart contracts enabling trustless environment for all Serenity members (consumers, prosumers and operators).
It makes sense to Serenity to adapt Rapid Building System®, passive-house solutions in building industry, as early as possible and create Serenity Net-Zero energy platforms for renewable energy production.
Rapid Building System® could drastically reduce residential energy consumption in developed countries which is up to 40% of total energy use.
Unlike a traditional energy distribution model, Serenity’s model is to transact energy sales, surplus energy trading, and other ancillary activities over the blockchain. The Serenity platform will be connected to national electricity operators, providing the balancing the demand and supply of electricity, responding at the substation level, and making possible a structural transition towards blockchain and renewables.
We know that there is a demand for these services and products and that by and large, it is only the complications that discourage people. Through the power of the blockchain, we are removing these complications or at the very least simplifying them, paving a clear route to a healthier planet for all people.
Unlike a traditional energy distribution model, Serenity’s model is to transact energy sales, surplus energy trading, and other ancillary activities over the blockchain.
Serenity is developed HEPEK prototype, IoT device, secure smart energy meter and blockchain-enabled gateway, which empowers prosumers, generators and consumers to become part of Serenity decentralized community. This appliance is integrated with the local electrical installation and connection to the Internet and GPS. HEPEK gateway will measure indoor and outdoor temperature, battery level, electricity inflow and outflow and communicate with the blockchain.
Energy storage, batteries, are the best resource to be controlled by HEPEK in real-time. Serenity members with given access to the wholesale market real-time pricing and energy storage available can benefit the most and generate revenue from temporal energy arbitrage. Buying electricity when cheaper and selling it back or consuming when energy is expensive.
On demand-response markets, consumers who have flexibility in their loads are incentivized to shut down those loads for a short period and lower demand. Access to this is another opportunity for Serenity members to react to dynamics of demand response market and if HEPEK is configured to do so, it can turn off AC and broadcast bid through Serenity to demand response market generate another revenue stream.
The business model will suit Serenity vision and concept of distributed community. We aim to become Energy Retailer, Renewable Energy Generator and Sustainable Residential Developer, delivering residential Net-Zero dwellings (estates) and commercial facilities for renewable energy production (solar, battery, wind farms).
Revenue will be generated from:
Energy Retail Services
Renewable Energy Production
Carbon Credits Monetization
Residential Property Sales and Rental Income
HEPEK Smart Device Sales and Lease
Serenity Platform Transaction Processing Fees
International Affiliates Licensing
Blockchain technology and Smart Contract utilization will minimize administrative costs and automate the process.
Ten percent of net profits will be allocated into the funding pool used to fund Serenity community growth, building more sustainable and energy efficient estates, and new renewable energy projects.
Serenity will utilize a three-token model, each token will be ERC-20 compliant.
Serenity (SET) Token
It is ERC20 utility and work token used as a right to:
acquire access to Serenity Energy Retailer services
obtain additional electricity discounts
perform work on behalf of the Serenity community network
The Serenity (SET) token will fuel Serenity’s blockchain based economy and facilitate access to Serenity Platform, allowing global platform interoperability. Serenity affiliates will need to acquire and surrender appropriate amounts of Serenity tokens in order to become network provider services.
Members (community workers) will redeem and burn tokens for a right to share revenues and non-speculative profits (fractional programmable ownership) generated by Serenity renewable projects (solar, wind, battery farms and Net-Zero real estate).
Token Symbol: SET
Maximum Supply: 500 Million
Token Distribution
Sold to Public (40%): 200 Million
Treasury (40%): 200 Million
Team and Founders (15%): 75 Million
Airdrop, Bounties (5%): 25 Million
Soft Cap: 5 Million USD
Hard Cap: 20 Million USD
A fixed number of SERENITY tokens (500,000,000) pre-mined at Token Generation Event.
1% of pre-mined tokens will be available for sale, stage 1
5% of pre-mined tokens will be available for sale, stage 2
34% of pre-mined tokens will be available for sale, stage 3
5% of pre-mined tokens will be distributed through Air Drop, Bounties, Referrals, Marketing
40% of pre-mined tokens will be held in Treasury
15% of pre-mined tokens will be held by Founders and Core Team
Occasionally, Serenity redemption programs will permit Serenity members to redeem Serenity tokens, offset Serenity Retail mark-up and obtain allowance to trade electricity with Serenity at near wholesale prices. After the redemption allowance is exhausted consumer will continue to pay the regular price.
When periodic redemption limit is reached, member will no longer be able to redeem more Serenity tokens until next redemption period start. In the event of redemption, the redeemed Serenity tokens will be taken out of supply and destroyed.
Serenity redemption will be automated, performed only by registered HEPEK device. Separate Redemption smart contract will control redemption process in different regions and jurisdictions.
Redemption limits and frequency will depend on size of member base and revenue obtained. With member base increase, limits will relax, and total redeemable amount of energy will rise as well.
The ERGON (ERC20) token is a currency for energy trading, a stable payment token, designed to provide blockchain security, trustless transaction immutability, to protect members from crypto market fluctuation and maintain a steady energy price. As a stable payment token, ERGON is pegged to the local currency and backed by actual fiat deposits in the currency of local trading jurisdiction.
The ERGON token will be created when Serenity member deposits fiat, crypto, or through blockchain provable production of renewable energy, and redeemed by Serenity member either for fiat, or worth of energy consumed, denominated in currency of local trading jurisdiction. When redeemed ERGON tokens will be taken out of supply and destroyed.
In some instances, member (electricity consumer) can earn ERGON tokens by lowering or shifting energy consumption because local grid operator, e.g. small municipality or a private microgrid operator, can incentivize the relieving of stressed areas of their grid during different times. Network participants contribute to the network benefit.
CARBON (ERC20) is stable token created as a reward for CO2e reduction through blockchain provable production of renewable energy and backed by price of Carbon Credits. Carbon Credits, being data-driven and dependent on multiple approval steps are the perfect candidate for a digital currency as they exist separately from the physical impacts to which they correlate. In the event of redemption, the redeemed CARBON tokens will be taken out of supply and destroyed.
Rapid Building System® will be used as a “cornerstone” for building Carbon Negative, Net-Zero homes.
With integrated blockchain enabled gateway HEPEK, Serenity is giving homeowners tangible platform to produce a renewable energy surplus.
Such homes, regardless of location, will be part of the new emerging distributed network of sustainable dwellings producing electric energy and selling the surplus to other members of the network ecosystem.
Rapid Building System® is a holistic construction design which conforms set of Passive House design principles:
Thermal Insulation
High Energy Performance Windows
Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery
Thermal Bridge Free Construction
Integrated PV roof panels
PHASE 1: Q1 2019 – Q1 2020
HEPEK IoT Smart Energy Broker
This phase will be used for rapid improvement to Serenity software and hardware components. Before developing the software, Serenity will need a stable hardware prototype of the HEPEK smart gateway to ensure the development environment will remain constant. This prototype should come from a production process that is at least scalable to a few thousand devices.
During this phase, Serenity will hire three hardware engineers to finalize the first production hardware device. CTO will oversee the HEPEK prototyping, testing, and production.
Content Delivery Network
Before making upgrades to the HEPEK client , Serenity needs to establish a process where HEPEK software will fetch updates from the server, which will be critical to streamline later upgrades and enable fast iterations. The software team will spend much of this phase developing a content delivery network (CDN) – this will mostly be on the server side. The software team will also build the plumbing (remote logging and debugging) for the HEPEK client to operate regardless of which environment is chosen.
Updates to the Client
The phase 1 will see rapid development of the client. Serenity will hire two additional software engineers, primarily for development of the client. This client will have bare minimum functionality (signup, open payment channels, withdrawals).
The software team will also spend more time on the REST API of the Serenity service, which will be similarly limited in functionality. The end of phase will be marked by a v1.0 release on the releases page of the HEPEK client.
Net-Zero Display home
Serenity will build Net-Zero display home with HEPEK operational logging energy related data onto blockchain and implementing electricity handling control. Serenity will use Rapid Building System®, hire assembly specialists and anticipate having display home assembled within 4 weeks towards the end of phase 1.
PHASE 2: Q1 2020 – Q1 2021
Rolling out retail energy business in targeted regions. During this period, Serenity will establish a single utility in a targeted region and sign up 5,000+ customers. These customers may be given SERENITY tokens in promotional events and which will be automatically redeemed for the right to purchase electricity at wholesale prices.
First Retailer License
Serenity will begin this phase by applying for energy retailer license in a deregulated market within Australia. At the time of writing this, no market has been selected, but the target markets have been narrowed down to a short list.
Serenity will need to contract with a marketer who is familiar with marketing utilities.
Scalable Hardware Production
After reaching a v1.0 of the Serenity HEPEK client, Serenity will establish an improved production process for the hardware. This process will need to scale to 100,000 devices and will require at least two full-time manufacturing engineers to ensure Serenity can meet production quotas.
More Customers
During phase 2 Serenity will acquire 1-3 more targeted regions ensuring the process is scalable. Long-term, Serenity hopes to open many services worldwide, and this is only possible if with a sufficiently streamlined expansion process. Serenity will need to contract with several more marketers who are familiar with the respective local regions.
Once Serenity has acquired a sufficient number of customers, it will begin utilizing ERGON liquidity (ERGON is created when customers make deposits or export energy to the grid). This step will introduce a new revenue stream (from generalized state channel fees) and also make Serenity more efficient (migrating simple, custom payment channels to the Raiden network) presenting Serenity platform as a hub for stable token (AUD) commerce. Payment channels and the Raiden network will be a big step in facilitating the mass adoption of the Ethereum network for payments.
CTO will oversee the software team’s phased migration to the Raiden hub. Serenity will bring in subject-matter expertise from Ethereum community in making a smooth transition.
Better Decisions from More APIs
During this phase, Serenity will allow optional API data feeds to send encrypted information to the HEPEK device enabling better decision-making and more efficient energy usage. Serenity will need to scale its software team to develop the client, expand the API, create an SDK, and make the web system more scalable. Phase 2 will be marked by a v2.0 release of the Serenity HEPEK client.
This Phase will be the final phase during which Serenity will globally expand its energy retail network and sign up many more customers. At this point, Serenity must have a scalable process in place to facilitate this expansion.
Hardware Production Scalability
During this phase, Serenity will need to establish a production process to allow for millions of devices to be manufactured. This process must be extremely scalable and will require a significant ramp-up in hiring hardware engineers and process managers. Because Serenity will likely need to contract with multiple hardware manufacturers, it is crucial for the HEPEK to be built from sufficiently commoditized parts.
HEPEK AI Optimization
With the client software at v2, Serenity will now dedicate much of its software development time to optimizing HEPEK decision-making by designing better artificial intelligence to leverage incoming API data from sufficiently abstracted data feeds. The scope will require scaling the software team to include data scientists and AI experts. Up-scale will likely happen in several stages, and at that time Serenity will probably draft an updated roadmap.
International Expansion
While Serenity will be forming many more utilities in Australia, it will also look to expand globally in targeted regions which will require growth of the strategy team, which is overseen by CTO.
Elma Neimar
Co-founder, CEO @Serenity Source Pty Ltd, Rapid Building System® for smart Net-Zero building
Member of Global board of Directors and Ambassador for Australia & NZ for GABC Global Association for Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
Architect, inventor, Blockchain evangelist
Adi Saric
Co-founder & CTO @Serenity Source Pty Ltd, Director of Auset Pacific Pty Ltd, Electronic Engineer, inventor, Blockchain evangelist
Arek Sinanian
UN Climate Change Accreditation Panel of Experts CDM project verification and Carbon Certification
Patrick Roberts
Blockchain Architecture
Rajesh Kumar Maruvada
Product Strategy, Innovation Road Map
Schazil Najam
Electronics Engineer, Solution architect
Ahmad Ashfaq
Blockchain Integrator
Ahmad Saeed
Senior Blockchain Developer
Abu Nurullah
Digital Marketing and Community Manager
Muhammad Irfan
Marketing and Bounty Manager
Bogdan Fiedur
Smart Contract Developer
Max Diffenbakh
Blockchain Advisor
Dr Karim
Founder / CEO MiRAK, ICO and Blockchain advisor
Anders Larsson
Blockchain Advisor – allcoinWiki
Paul Kang
Cyber Security, Fintech, Blockchain Advisor
Brian Gillard
Principal at Gillard Consulting Lawyers
Oti Edema
CEO@Solarex, Director at Africa Blockchain Research Council, Certified Blockchain Expert
Asim Butt
Blockchain Integrator for the Industry, Team Lead / Solution Architect
Exchange Partner:

Useful Links
SET Contract Address: 0xb54be748dee3955afb28b50beed24f9db8992cab
Official Site URL:
Email Contact:
Telegram (group):
Telegram (channel):
YouTube channel:
Yours sincerely Good luck on the target
Thank you
My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1229230
ETH Address: 0x29AF24D027E5A0A74427A2A4D5dDFe09803D5F93
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