BIZpaye- A real world marketplace for The Blockchain

Welcome to BIZpaye & more importantly, BIZpaye CRYPTO.
With a history of success in the Trade Exchange industry across many countries worldwide, trading millions of dollars of products and services across many borders, the BIZpaye International Group of Companies Core Team have more than 100 Years of combined experience in Barter, Crypto & Collective Currencies, Exchange & Currency Management, International Trade, Software Development, Sales & Marketing and more.
In addition, BIZpaye has invested heavily into systems, technology, Franchise systems and procedures and much more and, it is with this background, the company has launched its own Crypto token opening up a new exciting world of business growth.
BIZpaye CRYPTO — the uniquely named token — provides an opportunity to not only reach more like-minded business owners and customers, through already established Global Marketplaces but also offers an opportunity to strive for potential new ways to transact through the ever-growing Crypto market.
An important feature of this new venture is that BIZpaye has been actively trading and organically growing an International Merchant Network for many years unlike many ‘companies’ entering the Crypto Market with merely an idea and a promise.
To put it simply, BIZpaye CRYPTO has been part of a Global Business Plan for many years’ and is finally being launched to an excited market and is being actively advertised on the Corporate Website , as well. BIZpaye enters the Crypto Market with an established Global Merchant Trading network, which is a unique proposition for any Crypto Token today providing a real-world use case for the Token from the start.
Launched in December 2018, the BIZpaye Crypto Token — with the world’s first and unique trading symbol of “CRYPTO” — opened onto the Blockchain via the Proassetz Exchange. With other exchanges planned, the intention is that the BIZpaye Crypto Token with this trading symbol of ‘CRYPTO’ will become the common reference to BIZpaye.
Via the BIZpaye Global Network new and ingenious ways for business owners to enter the Crypto market will open up whereby they will be able to effectively barter/swap their goods and services to purchase BIZpaye Crypto, whilst growing their sales and customer base.
BIZpaye already has its own proprietary merchant ecosystem where the BIZpaye Crypto Token can be used for purchasing everyday goods and services worldwide, plus; having recently entered into an agreement with, Token holders can purchase anything from their online store, chose from thousands of everyday items and pay for these items with 50% of the price payable in BIZpaye Crypto, from there it will be delivered to the door worldwide making this truly a ‘Utility’ Token
BIZpaye, provides a flexible payment system for buyer and sellers, where they can use varying percentages of fiat, barter or Crypto in a single transaction, giving flexibility to accommodate the needs of both the buyer and the seller.
With the BIZpaye Group of Companies comprising a variety of different business units spanning many countries it provides the end users with a much fairer and more attractive form of trading at the same time meeting modern day expectations. All of this adds to and complements the launch of BIZpaye CRYPTO.
In conclusion, the BIZpaye Group of Companies has a proven transactional system that enhances both the cash flow and customer base of every business and offers a range of unique benefits that can only be found in the BIZpaye system. This provides a fantastic proven system upon which to launch a new Crypto currency leading to the growing expectations that the BIZpaye CRYPTO token will be an outstanding SUCCESS.
In anticipation of your interest in BIZpaye CRYPTO, we would like to invite you to contact us for more details interest and we look forward to growing the opportunities that BIZpaye can offer in the months and years ahead.

BIZpaye ‘CRYPTO’ — That’s what the excitement is about!
The ‘trade’ or ‘barter’ industry within which BIZpaye Barter operates, is a widely accepted system of exchange where merchants in a transaction directly exchange goods or services for other goods or services without normal currency. Recently referred to as the ‘Exploding Business of Bartering’ in a Harvard Business Review, this is an International multibillion dollar industry and it is within this industry that ‘Bizpaye’ has experienced exceptional growth and expansion. This is confirmed by having organically grown to 12 countries in just 5 years with new countries and franchises opening over the coming months. In summary, BIZpaye represents an outstanding success story and provides a solid foundation on which to build a Crypto asset.
Consequently, on the back of this success ‘BIZpaye CRYPTO’ is entering into the ever growing world of the Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies and, will become the 4th currency available to current and future BIZpaye Merchants. This will not only will provide normal business owners more scope in their quest to save money through the BIZpaye Barter services whilst continuing to enjoy increased sales but will also make BIZpaye CRYPTO an even more attractive proposition to merchants worldwide. All of this will add value to ‘BIZpaye CRYPTO’ to the benefit of all those people with the foresight to get involved at this early stage of the venture.
People often ask ‘but why is everybody so excited about “BIZpayeCRYPTO”? which, is both encouraging when we look at the number of people asking and surprising when a simple review of the company, the industry that it is in, the trading history and its future projections really provide the answer.
However, some important insights into the company, the project and of course, the future may provide clarity and show why there has been an enthusiastic response and exceptional take up of the current offering.
First we need to look at the focus of the business which is on ‘merchant growth’. This is an important factor as most tokens focus efforts towards stimulating ‘token holder’ use only however, BIZpaye focuses on stimulating merchants ‘to accept’ tokens therefore, with an existing & growing list of merchants who accept these tokens, consumer token holders will organically transact through increased opportunities adding value to BIZpaye CRYPTO token.
In addition, current & future Blockchain technologies will enhance the transaction experience for BIZpaye members & merchants alike, meaning they will also be able to barter their goods & services through BIZpaye to purchase tokens. In essence, the world of ‘Barter’ is opening up to the incredible world of Cryptocurrencies. BIZpaye CRYPTO will bring to the Blockchain a real world marketplace with 1000’s active merchants with all the future possibilities that this represents.
Finally, BIZpaye CRYPTO — with its unique token name of ‘CRYPTO’, the generic name used throughout for tokens and coins providing instant ‘name recognition’- is the world’s first barter industry token and, being world’s first barter industry token provides Members and consumers alike with a ‘first mover advantage’ where new merchants can sell excess products to other BIZpaye members & get paid in BIZpaye barter credits and most importantly, use those barter credits to purchase BIZpaye CRYPTO tokens. Add to that active marketplaces already in place where products are bought & sold every day together with a constant stream of new products that will come online daily for token holders to buy using BIZpaye CRYPTO, many new merchants joining the network all driving the value higher the future for BIZpaye CRYpto is indeed an bright one.
Token Name: BIZpaye Crypto
Token Trading Symbol: CRYPTO
Token Type: ERC-20
Tokens Minted: 1,000,000,000
Token Decimals: 18
Tokens In Circulation: 44,810,560 (Last Report April 15, 2019)
Token Address: 0x7875bAfc5d63Fa035DeA0809c2a57A382d772903
Mission and Vision statement
BIZpaye mission is to deliver fl exible and more convenient ways to transact across all borders, while providing complete transparency and low fees to a global audience within its own ecosystem. The BIZpaye team aims to off er ways to liquidize idle and spare capacity for small and medium sized enterprises and help them generate more revenue and provide a leaner business model.
1. The existing Company The BIZpaye CRYPTO Token currency will become part of the BIZpaye International Group of Companies, an established multi-transactional B2B & B2C Online and offl ine retail Marketplace whose active Merchants and customers trade millions of dollars every year.
On top of this the BIZpaye International Group of Companies has for the past 5 years invested heavily into our.
Transactional systems
For many years BIZpaye has been working closely with our technology partners, such as Global Exchange Trading Systems, Bartervana, Runasis and more to tailor existing platforms into workable systems that will allow BIZpaye Merchants to transact and trade to the unique ways in which BIZpaye has been design from the ground up. These
transactional systems include Merchant front ends and rear end Customer Relationship Management platforms designed to stimulate and enhance potential trading and transactions of Merchants.
Working in conjunction with our technology partners such as Global Exchange Trading Systems, Bartervana, Runasis and more, the aim has always been to keep BIZpaye on the forefront of technology within the industry using traditional offl ine and online platforms and systems to help develop and grow transactions and trading alike. With
the advent of BIZpaye moving towards the Blockchain, we see the opportunities to enhance both our Merchant experience and transactional systems as being almost endless, more secure and more transparent as a result of Blockchain technology adaptation.
Franchise systems
BIZpaye prides itself in the fact that leading into the offi cial launch of BIZpaye 5 years ago, more than 1 year prior to this, work began on the development of various resources and systems designed to support our Franchise Partners grow the BIZpaye network worldwide. From Franchise Manuals, the system process and documents, training packages and more we developed and continued to be developed and enhanced to help Franchisee’s enter new markets and grow existing markets.
As Technology grows via the Blockchain, so will the new and enhanced sets of guidelines, procedures and training evolve off ering both Merchants and BIZpaye staff access and understanding how this new Blockchain based technology will interact with the day to day BIZpaye environment.
BIZpaye CRYPTO and the BIZpaye “CRYPTO” Token will join the already established transactional business units of BIZpaye, including BIZpaye Corporate, BIZpaye Trade, BIZpaye Rewards, BIZpaye Licensee, BIZpaye Property and Radio BIZpaye.
BIZpaye’s main Merchant trading ecosystem known as BIZpaye Trade has been operating for many years now, similar to that of a credit card, but using a Barter Credit system. A Barter Credit is a localized non-fi at accounting unit of payment used to record the value of barter transactions.
Most Governments worldwide recognize Barter Credits as a form of payment for Tax. A Barter Credit is pegged against the local currency or origin in which it is transacted in and cannot be moved across borders or exchanged for other local barter credits.
September 2013
Global Trade Management Limited
The company Global Trade Management
Limited (GTM) is established in Hong Kong
October 2013
BIZpaye Hong Kong
BlZpaye Hong Kong Master Franchise Signed
December 2013
BlZpaye Philippine
BlZpaye Philippine Master Franchise Signed
February 2014
BlZpaye Australia
BlZpaye Australia Master Franchise Signed
March 2014
BlZpaye India
BlZpaye India Master Franchise Signed
June 2015
BlZpaye Corporate Division
BlZpaye Corporate Division Commences (GTM) Hong Kong
November 2015
Radio BlZpaye
Radio BlZpaye Commences Broadcasting
December 2015
Licensee Program
BlZpaye Licensee Program Commences
April 2016
BlZpaye Germany
BlZpaye Germany Master Franchise Signed
December 2016
Platinum Member Card
BlZpaye Platinum Member Card Launched
September 2017
Crypto Project Team
BlZpaye CRYPTO Project Team Formed
October 2017
BlZpaye CRYPTO R&D Commences
November 2017
BlZpaye Dubai
BlZpaye Dubai Master Franchise Signed
January 2018
BIZpaye Cambodia
BIZpaye Cambodia Master FranchisenSigned
January 2018
BIZpaye Canada
BlZpaye Canada Master Franchise Signed
February 2018
BIZpaye Norway
BIZpaye Norway Master Franchise Signed
February 2018
BIZpaye USA Master Franchise Signed
February 2018
Cashless Early Bird Token Pre-Sale Commences
BlZpaye Canada Master Franchise Signed
March 2018
Website & Marketing Completed
BlZpaye CRYPTO Website & Marketing Completed
March 2018
Cashless Early Bird Token Pre-Sale Ends
BIZpaye CRYPTO Pre-Sale & Cashless Early Bird Sale Ends More Than US$ 2 Million Sold
April 2018
Lite Paper Released
BIZpaye CRYPTO Lite Paper Released
April 2018
BlZpaye CRYPTO Whitepaper Commenced
April 2018
New Barter Software Launched
New BlZpaye Trade Transaction Software Release
May 2018
Legal, KYC & AML
BlZpaye CRYPTO Legal, KYC & AML Compliance
July 2018
Token Swap Platform Development
BlZpaye CRYPTO Whitepaper Commenced
November 2018
Token Minting
Token Contract Uploaded To Blockchain
December 2018
1st Exchange Listing
Token listed on the Proassetz Exchange put on trading halt until early 2019
January 2019
APB International PTE. LTD.
New Singapore Management Company For Token Release
Febuary 2019
Token Swap Platform Beta Testing
BIZpaye Token Swap Platform Deployed For Pre-Market Testing
April 2019
Token Distribution Commences
BIZpaye CRYPTO Token Distribution Commences
April 2019
Token Trading Commences
BIZpaye CRYPTO Token Trading Commences on the Proassetz Exchange
June 2019 & Beyond
Token Swap Platform Beta Testing
BIZpaye CRYPTO Core Strategy Rollout Commences
Crypto Merchant Rewards Program Variable Transaction App Fiat / Trade / Crypto
Merchant Recruitment & Growth All Countries Expansion Of Existing Crypto Ecommerce Platform White Label Crypto Exchange For The Barter Industry BIZpaye Token Generating Platform For The Barter Industry
BIZpaye Swap Platform - Convert Poor Performing Tokens Assets To BIZpaye Crypto
Collaboration With Existing Ecommerce Platforms For Crypto Adaptation
Throughout 2019 & Beyond
Country & Merhcant Growth Continues
BIZpaye CRYPTO Country & Merhcant Growth Through Collaborations & Co-Branding
BIZpaye Trade & Crypto Through 2019 Has Already Successfully Rebranded or Co-Branded Several Canadian & North American Barter / Trade Businesses
Not Only Will Target Growth Be Globally, But Special Focus Will Be Placed On Regions Such As;
North & South America
Central & Northern Asia & Asean Countries
Europe & The Middle East
Interested Parties Can Contact The BIZpaye Corporate Team Direct
BIZpaye Crypto Core Management Team
Laurie Muire: Founder & Managing Director
Bjorn Hellesylt: Co-Founder & Director
Wayne Dobson: Chief Technology Offi cer (CTO)
BIZpaye Crypto Advisors
Anthony Davie: Advisor - Project Development
Victor Chow: Advisor - Fintech Markets
Malcolm Tan: Advisor - Legal & Regulatory
Yarden Gravador: Advisor - Media Management
Per Lind Chief: Blockchain Compliance Officer
Wayne Sharpe: Advisor – Global Marketplaces
Dan Schwartz: Advisor – Network Development
Luther Monson: Advisor - Payments & Transactions
Ron Cartey: Advisor – PR & Media
BIZpaye Crypto Country Master Franchises
Bill Yeo: BIZpaye Australia
Robert Sullivan: BIZpaye Cambodia
Andrew Pludek: BIZpaye Canada
Deepak Tekchandani: BIZpaye Dubai
Dr. Claus Rink: BIZpaye Germany
Laurie Muir: BIZpaye Hong Kong
Vineet Rastogi: BIZpaye India
Andreas Nakken: BIZpaye Norway
Gelay Gravador: BIZpaye Philippines
Dan Schwartz: BIZpaye Thailand
Luther Monson: BIZpaye United States
Victor Chow: BIZpaye Singapore
TBA BIZpaye: United Kingdom

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ETH Address: 0x29AF24D027E5A0A74427A2A4D5dDFe09803D5F93
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