GMT Token is an Ethereum based token representing the right to purchase and trade Cryptocurrency Mining Capacity

GMT Token is a marker based on Ethereum, which is the right to purchase and sell Cryptocurrency Mining Capacity or Processing Power (“Hash Rate”) at a discount on the Global Mining Platform website provided by OR Realbit.
GMT will provide cumulative and growing discounts when purchasing different hash rates for several crypto-exchange rates. Tokens will provide discounts on purchases of Hash-rates of choice (for example, BTC / BCH / LTC / etc).
How Cumulative discounts work GMT
When purchasing a hash of Rata markers, you start mining in the purse of your choice
You GMT lexemes will be frozen until you sell Hash Rata tokens
You can use your CGT and discounts as many times as you want !!
PM Book Token
btcgh Bitcoin hash Hate markers 1GH / h February 1, 2018
bchgh Bitcoin Cash Hash Hatred Token 1GH / h February 1, 2018
ltcmh Lite Hash Hatred Token 1GH / S Mayer 1 2018
Ethmh Etherea Hashim Hatred Token 1GH / from June 1, 2018
dashmh dash hash Hatena Token 1GH / from 1 Jun 2018
Hash Rate: The hash rate is the measuring unit of the processing power of the Bitcoin network. The Bitcoin network must make intensive mathematical operations for security purposes. When the network reached a hash rate of 10 Th/s, it meant it could make 10 trillion calculations per second. (
Global Mining Platform (“GMP”): OR Realbit´s marketplace/website for hash rate purchasing and trading. At first it will feature BTC/BCH Hash Rates, then we will implement LTC, ETH and others according to popular demand. Hash Rates will be tradable and convertible to each other.
Token Launch means the initial sale to the public of GMT tokens.
Token Issue means a release of a specific batch of GMT tokens.
ICO Date: Tokens will be offered on pre-sale for 30 days starting on November 1st, 2017. ICO date will be December 1st, 2017 and subsequent batch sales will take place each month until April 2018. There will be 3 batches after the pre-sale lasting one month each, ending March 31st, 2018.
The offering will be open to the public globally.
Token Pre-Sale Volume: 20 million GMT (1mm USD)
Pre-sale Start Date: November 1st, 2017 12 00 PM PDT
Pre-sale End Date: November 30th, 2017 12 00 PM PDT
ICO Start Date: December 1st, 2017 12 00 PM PDT
Initial Token Issue Date
Tokens Bought at Pre-Sale: February 1st, 2018 12 00PM PDT
Official Token Issue Date: 2 months after each Batch Closing.
Token Issue Volume:
-20 Million Tokens for pre-sale buyers
-60 Million Tokens on ICO Batches 1, 2 and 3 each.
Total Maximum Token Volume: 200 Million Tokens (10,000,000 USD Equivalent).
Token Price at Issue: Equivalent of USD 0.05 depending on the date of the
Website Link:
Payment: Accepted Forms of Payment: Bitcoin (“BTC”), Ether (“ETH”), Litecoin (“LTC”), USD Wire Transfer.
It all started in 2012 when Bernardo Schucman, a self-taught computer scientist moved to California to look for new opportunities. After completing an official degree at Miracosta University, he made a purchase in the internet which had the option to checkout using bitcoin. Inherently interested in this new asset, he found out a new way of earning money using his area of expertise. He then purchased a dozen machines and installed them in his garage, where he saw his money begin to multiply. Bernardo found out he was a very skilled programmer, when it came to mining software which brought him to create his own, more efficient mining software. It was in 2013 that he teamed up with longtime friend and partner Denis Mandelbaum to create a massive bitcoin mining operation: RealBit.
200 000 000 GMT The
global mining platform will be available on February 1, 2018.
Discount icons will be issued 2 months after each batch
August 2017
Home development project OR RealBit
September 15, 2017
Launch GMT Project
October 15, 2017
Public pre-sale start time
December 1, 2017 — March 1, 2018
Total sale of GMT tokens
1 February 2018.
Issuance and distribution of the first Greenwin tokens to customers within the limits of rates PRE-BTC and BCH
May 1, 2018
Issuance and distribution of all other tokens
June 1, 2018
Operating rate LTC
July 1, 2018,
ETH and Dash hash rates
The GMT project appeared as a joint venture between people who are engaged in OR Blockchain Investments, which provides investment structures and vehicles for investment in the world of crypto currency markets and instruments, as well as RealBit Mining, the official distributor of Bitmain and the chief dispatcher of data centers and a hash- the rates that combined efforts to create OR-RealBit.
Blockchain Investments
The world’s first bitkomn-mining fund with more than 170 investors
The official distributor of Bitbit Realbit, an expert data processing center, an efficiency specialist who has been developing BTC since 2012
Symbolic purchases involve higher levels of risk, including but not limited to the risks
described below, before obtaining a PM marker or hash level marker on the GMP, then each participant should carefully examine all the information and risks
in this White Paper, and, in the particular, are the following risk factors.
A. Dependence on computer infrastructure
OR RealBit dependence on software applications running on a computer, computer hardware and the Internet means that RealBit can not guarantee that a system failure will not occur. Although there are no real security measures on the network, the server processing center is vulnerable to computer viruses, physical or electronic jamming or other similar properties. Computer viruses, burglary or other violations caused by third parties can lead to interruption, delay or termination of service,
B. Limitations of intellectual contracts.
The technology of smart contracts is still at an early stage of development, and its application is operational, technological, regulatory, reputational and risky. Smart Contract is the result, although the audit is carried out by independent third parties, increasing the level of security, reliability and accuracy. for this purpose or not? Aws, vulnerabilities, or problems that can cause technical problems or a complete loss of the GMT marker.
C. Risk of regulation.
Blockchain technologies, including but not limited to problems with the token, may be new concepts in some jurisdictions that can then apply existing laws or introduce new ones. the current setting of the smart contract GMT and the concept of the token GMT. This can lead to a significant modification of the GMT contracts, including but not limited to termination, loss of GMT tokens and the suspension or termination of all functions of the GMT token.
D. Taxes for
holders of GMT tokens may be required to participate in the transaction dealt with here, whether in the United States or in their home country. It will be the sole responsibility of the GMT markers to comply with US tax laws and other jurisdictions applicable to them and pay all relevant taxes.
E. Force Majeure
OR RealBit Productivity may be interrupted, suspended or postponed due to force majeure circumstances. For the purposes of this White Paper, it is important to note that the use of force majeure signs and circumstances that can not be prevented by OR RealBit and includes: natural actions, wars, armed conflicts, massive civil unrest, industrial activities, epidemics, lockouts, delay, long-term deficiencies or other energy or disruptions or communication services, acts of municipal, state or federal, other government agencies, circumstances beyond the control of RealBit, which at the moment does not exist tvuet. White paper release RealBit can not issue a GMT within a month can request a refund at the request of the seller of the GMT tokens.
F. Disclosure
Personal information obtained from owners of GMT tokens, information on the number of shares owned by them, address of the purse used and other relevant information disclosed to law enforcement agencies, government officials and other third parties. statute, court order or court order. OR RealBit is not fully responsible for the disclosure of such information.
G. Bitcoin Prices
or RealBit services for companies and individuals involved in
production crypto -loans , especially Bitcoin. Such operations are highly dependent on Bitcoin prices on local exchanges. A sharp and prolonged decline in prices can affect the ability of the client or fulfill his contractual obligations for payment of rent payments.
H. Rapid technological changes can damage the mining business.
Cryptocurrency mining is a very dynamic and fast business. To remain competitive, OR RealBit will use the latest technology in the facilities. However, ORBit errors persist despite efforts to reduce the risk for the owners of the GMT / Hash Rate tokens. Similarly, holders of tokens are advised to follow the work of their own mining equipment and update it as necessary. Alternatively, due to the fact that the performance of their equipment is weakening over time, they must take care of their token to other miners in order to avoid a decline in the profitability of production.
I. Fluctuations in
mining revenues Cryptocurrencies mining is a risky business, and many factors must be carefully considered before production begins. BTC price fluctuations, rising prices for mining equipment and electricity, rising interest rates, minus declines and many other factors.
J. Changes in
electricity tariffs Electricity rates are not guaranteed and may change from time to time. Any changes in the electricity tariff will lead to a direct change in the cost of current and current costs for operating the GMT tokens.
L. Changes in maintenance costs Maintenance costs
are specified in this document and are based on the activities of the company and the maintenance of the projected number of facilities and equipment. Over time, maintenance costs can vary for a wide variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, minimum wage increases. Any change in maintenance costs will result in an immediate change in the cost of the GMT token and hosting.
Q. The value of the GMT marker
Once you have purchased, the Token GMT estimate can be significant? Problematic, because it depends on the reason. OR RealBit does not guarantee the value of any GMT token. OR RealBit is not responsible for changing the value of the Estimated GMT tokens due to the above-mentioned real conditions and competitive and future economic and business decisions that are largely beyond the control of the OR RealBit project team and this is so difficult or inappropriate to accurately predict. Although OR RealBit believes that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements make sense, one of them may be inaccurate. As a result, the OR RealBit command can not? confidence that the forward-looking statements contained in this White Paper will be proven Accurate. Given the considerable uncertainty inherent in foresight , the inclusion of such information will not be construed as a guarantee from ORBit or another person whose purpose and plan is OR OR the RealBit project will be successful. Please note that the OR RealBit project may be subject to other risks that are currently provided for by its management.
By:Wong linglong3
Profile Bitcointalk :;u=1229230
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