Change the entire e-commerce business at your own discretion;

Hello! It seems that you are interested in ICO Cybermiles. Well, you were lucky today, as I did a comprehensive article about it. We will follow the following structure, as it is easy to read and just understand:
1. What?
- 5 miles?
Is it ICO Cybermiles?
- Will there be Cybermiles tokens?
- Are short-term and long-term goals?
2. When?
- Has the ICO started?
3. Where?
- Can I buy tokens?
4. Why?
- Should I invest?
5. Who?
Can invest?
- Behind all this?
6. How?
- Will Cybermiles change the business of e-commerce?
7. FAQ
If you are familiar with one or more paragraphs, you can always skip this! But I do not recommend it.
The most important information is written between the lines :)
However, this article is not for beginners in crypto space. There are many terms that you may not have heard of, or do not understand. So, as soon as you come across one word that you do not understand, look it up on the Internet or you can not understand this article.
Let's start!
What is 5 miles?
The first and most important thing that you should do is read their Technical Paper. If you have not already done so, you definitely need to do this, because this article will refer to it, explain it and give additional information that is not written there.
Reference to the white paper:
Cybermiles ICO is a project of the following company: 5miles Holdings Limited or 5miles in brief. This is the company that is the leader in e-commerce in the United States. Two examples of other businesses that participate in e-commerce are the two that you've probably heard about before: Amazon and eBay.
5miles has a mobile app (if you're reading this on your phone), which can be found here:
This is an easy-to-use application that works similarly to Craigslist.
Note that Craigslist, like Amazon, was a huge success. Consequently, 5 miles can grow much more than has already been done. Currently, there are 12 million registered US users, and their number is growing. It is assumed that the total cost of the transaction in 2017 will exceed 3,000,000,000 US dollars (3 billion US dollars) (technical paper page 4)
2 What are cyber-milies?

We know that the company has been successful and is likely to grow in the years to come. 5miles has collected about 62.000.000 dollars from investment companies of the highest level since their creation just 3 years ago. But that was not enough. They came up with an idea that would change the world, which could launch them even more on the charts. Cybermiles.
Cybermiles is very similar to Ethereum (yes, this coin has grown from $ 0.42 at 21/10 / '15 to $ 308 at the moment). But at different levels it is different.
1) Ethereum has never been based on e-commerce, where Cybermiles will be. Currently, the e-commerce business has a market capacity of about 2 trillion. US dollars and is expected to double in 2021 (1)
2) There will be problems with the delay due to the large number of people using the platform. Ethereum Smart Contracts could not handle this, while Cybermiles Smart Business Contracts will have about tens of thousands of transactions per second.
3) Cybermiles will use the PoS engine (Proof-of-Stake).
This is the next-generation algorithm for achieving consensus. Currently, mining is not profitable unless you have invested a lot of money in mining towers. However, with the PoS engine, production is greatly simplified for the average person, and this increases the authenticity of the network while at the same time minimizing the chances of risk and fraud.
(Technical paper page 6)
So, Cybermiles is an advanced blockchain technology developed by 5 million, which, like Ethereum, will also release its tokens. Now ICO tokens are based on ERC-20, but once the block-chain is ready and fully tested, ERC-
20 tokens will be switched by the company in a 1: 1 ratio for tokens on their new promising notebook. The value of the tokens will remain unchanged before switching.
The platform will also be decentralized. This means that many people start the network around the world, rather than a giant central server.
This ensures that the Cybermiles platform will not have any downtime, since the software will always be launched by someone. A central server can be hacked or susceptible to cyber attacks, whereas in a decentralized network these problems will not occur at all.
1.3 What will Cybermiles tokens do?
The CMT has many advantages for holders,
which are mainly designed for their application at 5 miles. With CMT 5miles, it plans to reward and stimulate community members if they contribute their computing power to network maintenance. This can be done in several ways; running sites, verifying transactions, and executing Smart Business Contracts. In short, if you are helping the network,
you will be rewarded with CMT!
But there are other things. If there is a dispute between the buyer and the seller, the network will select an occasional group of people for their opinion. You evaluate the business and requirements, and then you can choose whether the buyer is the right one, or the seller.
When you choose the same answer as most other people in the selected group, the dispute will be resolved in favor of the buyer or seller, depending on which of the majority chose as the right and you will be rewarded in the CMT. If you chose the one that selects the minority, you will not get CMT. Here,
Cybermiles guarantees that you will make some effort to deal with the case, since you do not want to miss these fundamentally free tokens! (Technical paper, pages 9 and 10)
The next thing you can do with tokens is to create a user group of 5 million people. These groups are focused on the same interest in things.
This means that you can create a band that deals with Fender guitars, say, "Fender-Benders". To create this group, you need to pay a certain amount of CMT. People who want to register in this group have to pay membership fees, and if you want to advertise your own Badass Fender guitar, you need to pay a little CMT.
It seems like a lot of pay! This, however, is good, as tokens will be in circulation and in demand, increasing the value of CMT.
The company also has several advantages with the use of CMT.
They can issue promotions and coupons that are subject to payment only through CMT and they can advertise their products if they pay CMT tokens to people who are ready to promote the company's product, as there will be people who have followers and a significant presence in social networks,
it can be done even in a certain radius to reach people who are closest to the stores and, thus, are the most attractive customers.
The best thing is yet to come, because there will be something called "5miles Experiences". This, in fact, a review page for each buyer and seller.
Buyers can publish photos about the product they purchased and tell others how happy or angry they are with their product and interaction with the buyer. The better the reviews, the more chances you have for successful sales in the future!
There are a few more things you can do with the CMT in the 5miles app.
We are not going to discuss this right now, because the article is rather long. If you are interested in other advantages offered by CMT - for example, Match and Supply - you can check it on pages 13 and 14 of the document!
1.4 What are the short-term and long-term goals?
The Cybermiles project has basically long-term goals. After 8 months,
We need to see CMT integration in your mobile application. And a year after that we will see that other companies use the Cybermiles platform to create their tokens. You can see the full list below:
October 2017 | Issuance of a subscriber of cybermiles for the public.
December 2017 | Launch of the first modules of smart contracts Cybermiles Smart.
June 2018 | The 5miles application will now accept the CMT, and it will be integrated.
December 2018 | A new and fully completed version of Cybermiles called V1.0 will be launched.
March 2019 | Cybermiles will make Smart Contract modules available to other companies. Here,
other companies can release their own token on the Cybermiles platform.
These goals are good or bad depending on your investor. For long-term investors this is a great opportunity! We need to see the demand for tokens, which will grow steadily until integration with the mobile application. However,
I would not recommend this to short-term investors, because it probably will not be volatile and profitable in the short term. (White paper, page 27)
2.1 When does the ICO start?
At the time of writing, you still have 18 days to register for sale. The sale itself begins on November 21 0.00 Am Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Registration is necessary before you can buy tokens, but it's very simple to do. They ask for your ID or driver's license, and I have a double feeling about this, because one of the best things about crypto currency was the ability to remain anonymous. So this is a bad part. My good feeling about this
is that it adds an extra level of security, as they can include a whitelist of all buyers. Tokens are blocked, like most ICO's, and will be distributed within 30 days after November 21.
Right now you can only buy tokens from Ethereum. 1 ETH will get you 7000 CMT. This means that each CMT has a value of 0.
000142857143 ETH / CMT. As the time of writing, this means that every CMT token has a value; $ 0.044 / CMT or 0.037 € / CMT. (But it will be more in the future 😉). The minimum deposit is 0.2 ETH.
You can get a large number of tokens for free if you own a COB token. Cobinhood will sign this ICO on its zero-rate exchange platform.
So, take a quick look there if you want to get more CMT for the same price!
3.1 Where can we buy tokens?
You can only buy tokens on the official Cybermiles website:
A large orange button in the middle of the page says: "Take part now."
After you click this button,
just follow the instructions and you will be good!
Be aware that Cybermiles also works with a referral program. If you click my referral, you can get an additional 350 CMT for each Ethereum that you invest, so do not miss this opportunity to get free tokens
All other information about ICO Cybermiles and the launch token can be found at the link below. This is a document created by the company Cybermiles itself, and it contains information on how many tokens will be released, what is the transition period, where the funds received from tokens go, etc. Definitely worth reading !!
4.1. Why should I invest?
To begin with, I must say that I'm not a financial consultant, and this is only for informative use.
Now, it's all right, let me tell you why this is one of the greatest opportunities I've seen in a long time.
Unlike most ICOs, this is a project of a solid, reputable and successful company. Many levels,
one investment company saw the possibilities in 5 miles, and many will also see it in Cybermiles. The project is headed by an excellent team, which also proved successful in the past, and when the ICO is completed, they will have all the funds necessary to move this project to the next level.
(I'm sure they already have enough money). An excellent project, supported by a large team, is the first and largest green flag for any ICO. The next green flag will be sold. And they have it too. They will reach at least 12 million users! 12 million users is a very large number in the crypto space,
if you notice that only about 1% of the total population on this land knows about crypto currency in general. Their technical paper and website are also written in 8 languages, including Asian. This means that they are not only aimed at the market in the US, no, they are also aimed at the market in Asia!
The next big green flag is its similarity with the Etherium. Cybermiles will not have the same goal, but it will be used by a lot of people +, there are incredibly many businesses that can benefit from the Cybermiles platform. This gives Cybermiles a vast audience of buyers and sellers!
It will also be listed on Cobinhood and other exchanges as soon as tokens are released. This means that problems with low liquidity will be solved directly and that a token can be bought or sold at a reasonable price, very close to the price of the ICO.
5.1 Who can invest?
Everyone can participate in the ICO,
EXCEPT for people who live in China and people from the OFAC list (2). This is due to regulatory reasons and the ban on the use of crypto currency in China. This seems to be changing, because China is slowly adopting a different understanding of crypto-space and ICO, but this may not happen in the near future. It was good, however, since since the ban,
Bitkoyn took off to new heights (3).
This ban can be easily circumvented using a VPN. A quick search on the Internet for a "free VPN" and you will be able to participate, but do it at your own peril, as China and the countries from the OFAC list are not aware of the "possible costs" ...
5.2. Who is behind all this?
I will tell you about the three most important people who manage this project. The first is the CEO of Cybermiles; Dr. Lucas Lu, who was previously co-founder and technical director of Light In the Box (a company published on the New York Stock Exchange). Prior to this,
Lucas Lu was the first general manager of the Taobao Mobile Alibaba platform. (Taobao is a Chinese shopping website that can be compared to Amazon and eBay). He usually very quickly reacts to questions in the Telegram chat room!
The next person in the queue is Dr. Michael Juntao Yuan. He is one of the project directors.
This guy really knows the software development, since he wrote 5 books about it. It was part of many large open source projects, such as Firefox (web browser) and JBoss (Opensource server). He also conducted research projects funded by the government.
The last person we'll talk about is Frank Lee,
who is appointed as an adviser to the CyberMiles Foundation. Mr. Li is an entrepreneur and is the founder of several start-up companies. He was also the first person in the world to integrate the ASIC system for the Litecoin miner. Two of these start-up companies are part of the environmental system MI.
In addition to Lucas, Michael and Frank,
there are also many other people who are working on this project. Most of them can be found in the Technical Paper or on their website. I checked them all, and they seem legitimate. I did a reverse search for images, and every person on the list was really real, but I would not have known about it from this company! (White Paper on pages 25 and 26)
1 How will Cybermiles change the business of e-commerce?
We've all read about some of the positive features that 5miles and Cybermiles have. But how are they going to change the business of e-commerce?
Once again, we will make a comparison with the Etherium. ETH completely changed the crypto space, as we knew it. This gave people the opportunity to create tokens,
use Smart Contracts, and this was a new way to raise funds. These advantages over Bitcoin quickly made him grow to be the second best-selling crypt coin. All this is due to innovative aspects, and Cybermails, my dear reader, follow in the footsteps of the Etherium.
The cutting tool, the
extreme idea of creating a unique blocklet and platform based solely on the e-commerce business, is one of the most promising concepts that crypto-space sees over many years. Cybermiles will become a pioneer in the integration of the block chain and cryptothermics into the daily lives of ordinary people.
Right now, only Tommy,
this annoying guy from the neighbors who never leaves his house and sits in front of his computer all day, knows about cryptothermins and their bright future. In a couple of months, when the CMT is integrated into the 5miles application,
it will no longer be the only one ... It turns out that his mother pays the CMT for a bid of 5 miles and her colleagues, as she told them how to use it so easily. Her boss accidentally heard her during the daily coffee break,
and he already plans with the board of directors to use the Cybermiles platform for the company, as it shows promising growth and development.
That's how fast he can go.
So quickly, probably this will happen, because the business of e-commerce is huge.
Many people around the world will be forced to use the CMT, as it will soon go around the world. And the best thing is that it is not only limited to 5 miles. Many start-up companies are likely to use the Smart Business Contracts provided by Cybermiles to improve and grow their own company.
And improvement is the key word here. 5miles only improved the entire e-commerce business on its own! I do not mean by myself, because you can be a part of it if you are fast enough 😉.
"How can I contact Cybermiles if I have a question?" -
You can contact them on different platforms, such as Telegram, Reddit, Twitter and much more!
"Where can I find the address of the contract? Because I can not find ...
-You did preliminary registration. This means that the sale of tokens begins on November 21. So, you still can not pay. So there is no contract!
"When is CMT going to hit the stock exchanges?"
Quiet, my friend! ICO did not even start, let alone finish 😊. But to answer your question: it is still not clear. Cobinhood is the first exchange for the CMT listing, but this may take some time. There is no official date yet, but keep yourself informed of various social platforms!
"How, in fact, can they support
10.000 transactions per second? "
-The PoS engine will be integrated from the very beginning, unlike other crypto transitions that are in a changing transition (4). They looked at various other PoS engines, and they changed what could be better and improve it as much as possible.
Some stresstests have shown that they are really capable of these 10k transitions per second.
"Can I cash out my CMT?"
-Yes, you can easily cash out your CMT at any time, when you need it. The application will do this for you, so you do not need to go to the stock exchange!
"Will everyone, from 5 miles to cybermiles, build on the block chain?"
there will still be some features on the cloud and AWS (Amazon Web Services). Examples include CDN and image storage.
This article was written by Ballsdeepcryptobro. Your Bro for weekly updates about everything that happens in the crypto space.
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